
The Feast of Merit Collection

The Feast of Merit Collection

Traditionally, the Feast of Merit was the grandest and most lavish feast a Naga can give in his lifetime. On this day, he would invite everyone irrespective of their social standing to share his family’s hard earned harvest. This act of giving earned him and his family great prestige for generations.

The Hot Sauce Collection

The Hot Sauce Collection

The Dynamic Duo - versatile and vibrant, these sauces are a staple to any pantry and a life saver to many hot sauce lovers. 

Make sure you never leave home without one. 

The Unity in Diversity Collection

The Unity in Diversity Collection

These pickles are a tribute to the vibrant food culture of India and how our love for food bring us, from different cultures, ethnicity and even religions, together.  

Blazing Hot Pickle and Hot Bamboo Shoot Pickle is made with North and South Indian masala, Lakadong turmeric from Meghalaya, Mustard oil from Assam, Bamboo shoot and Naga Mircha from Nagaland.